
Tips for Shoestring Start-Ups

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Tips for Shoestring Start-ups

Starting a business is one of the most rewarding paths to financial independence. Being your own boss provides you with unparalleled freedom to pursue your passions and make your own way in the world. Sadly, many people never take the leap because they have convinced themselves that launching a business is prohibitively expensive. While we would never say that entrepreneurship is easy or cheap, it can be done on a shoestring budget! The tips and tricks that we provide on this site will prepare you to embark on your entrepreneurial journey no matter how large (or small) your budget. Keep reading to discover the knowledge you need to enter this exciting new world.


3 Options For Final Arrangements For An Incarcerated Loved One

Dealing with final arrangements can be an especially difficult time, but the problem can be magnified when your loved one is incarcerated. Since many incarcerated people do not have life insurance, there may be few resources to help. However, there are several options to help reduce the financial burden for your family.

Prison Burial

Most prisons have a dedicated cemetery for inmates. This is usually the option that occurs when an incarcerated person has no one who claims their body. Burial at the prison cemetery is typically free, but there may be other restrictions. For example, the family of the deceased is unlikely to attend any funeral or burial services. Another aspect of prison burials that makes it hard on the family is the grave marker is frequently impersonal. Many prisons only create a modest marker to designate the burial site and the marker may only contain the inmate number of your loved one. Depending on the facility, there could be options to have the marker replaced with something more personal at a later date.


Talk with the facility about any contractors they might have to handle final arrangements. In some instances, a local funeral home may handle all or most of the preparations after death, including viewing of the body. The prison may have negotiated the cost of handling final arrangements. In some cases, the contractor may allow the family to have their loved one cremated with less out-of-pocket costs, since some of the costs are absorbed by the prison. This option can be more affordable to families and also allows them to take the cremated remains to a burial location of their choosing. You can choose a less expensive graveside service at a later date.


Families who are in desperate need of financial help with final arrangements may be unwilling to ask for help because they are concerned about judgment of their loved one. The best resources to ask for help are groups dedicated to prison reform or similar agendas. Reach out to these groups on social media or through their website. Some of these groups routinely take donations for various prison-related causes, including cremation or burial costs. If the death of your loved one is expected to occur, it is best to start asking for help as early as possible. You may be surprised at the number of resources available to the families of incarcerated people.

Making final arrangements for an incarcerated loved one comes with several unique challenges. Depending on your locality, there may be some options available to offset the costs and make the process more affordable.

Contact a funeral home such as Aspen Mortuaries to learn more.